By: John Dave Casas
Reaching our dreams requires patience, sacrifice and most of all by trusting that something great is prepared for us.
Pushing forward and creating rafters for his budding career, young prodigy Joaquin Basilio-Under Armour Philippine’s Ambassador never fail to chase the dream he always wanted as a child. Together with his parents, Joaquin slowly yet accurately achieved his goals. Despite the setbacks caused by the pandemic, Joaquin together with his family, coaches and friends are optimistic as they are preparing him for a great opportunity ahead. We have listed a few questions for Joaquin to answer in an exclusive interview with Passion Sports. Here are his wonderful replies.

1. What are the changes that the pandemic have brought to you?
The pandemic brought a lot of realization and changes in my life on how I view things. It made me value and appreciate the things that I have especially the people around me and had a deeper relationship with God.
2. How did you cope up as you are facing a new normal setting on your budding career?
I learned the 3A’s: Accept, Adjust and Adapt to our current situation. It was hard at first but by God’s grace I eventually I coped up with our new normal setting.
3. Who are the people you looked up to as inspirations and constant motivators?
First, I looked up to my parents, because they are always there to support, motivate and inspire me. Second, I also looked up to all of my past and current coaches because they are part of my basketball journey. Sometimes I message them once in a while. Kobe Bryant, because of his mentality and love for the game. I never get tired of watching his documentaries and highlights over and over again. Lastly our Passion Sports Founder Coach Rob Labagala, we both play the same position since he is a true point guard, I always ask for advises and tips on basketball even before pandemic.

4. How was your training going despite the new normal environment?
I would say I have limited training and activities but have the same passion. There were many changes in my trainings due to very limited access on and off the court. I focused more on my body conditioning by doing home exercises, doing online trainings and practice on my dribbling skills even though having a small space.
5. What are the values you have learned as you pursue new horizons in basketball?
Currently, there are many values that I learned in my pursuance for the love of basketball but what stands the most are self-discipline, hard work and act of gratitude.
6. Greatest dream in the sports stage?
My greatest dream is to represent our country and compete against other countries in the worldwide basketball stage for God’s glory.

7. Words of encouragement and inspiration for your fellow Passion Sports athletes?
To my co-Passion Sports athletes, I would just like to encourage and inspire you by sharing what my Ninong Kerby Raymundo (Member of the 40 Greatest PBA Players) always tells me about the 5 Principles in Life in and out of basketball:
- Preparation is key to success- tells about dedication
- You must be Physically and Mentally tough- tells about hardwork
- You are the sum total of all the choices you do in life- tells about decisions, consequences
- You must give up your ego for the benefit of the team- tells about pride
- Faith in God- tells about our hope and where our trust is.
8. In what way did your partnership with Under Armour motivate you to become a better athlete?
My partnership with Under Armour is indeed a very big blessing and a great testimony of faith because they put in so much trust and confidence in me which motivates me to work harder and be better every time I train and achieve my goals. (Big shout out to Sir JM Barrios, UA and Athletes Pro Ph Family.)

Such inspiring words is an epitome of his hard work and constant trust in the process that made him become one of the top youth cager of our country and a model of the youth as he became their voice as an Ambassador for Under Armour. With his family’s support and encouragement, Joaquin can achieve and reach greater heights. For two years with Passion Sports, Joaquin have learned many things and be able to grow into a mature player well-rounded in discipline, team work, kindness and God-fearing. His positive attitude drives him forward that there are no storms so big or pandemic so strong that can stop him from achieving his dreams. These are his stepping stones to greatness. That was his PASSION.
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